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Figurative art painting 'After the Shower: Palma'

After the Shower: Palma 2012

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After the Shower: Palma 2012
Gillian Furlong 

Gillian Furlong is a British painter specialising in figurative works. Furlong's fascination with light & atmosphere encourages her to create images that are intimate & at the same time capture the sense of distance, atmosphere & place. The inspiration for much of her work is found in the countryside of England, including seascapes, France, Italy & Spain, where she has spent time painting, often of her daughters looking out of windows, to the landscape beyond.

Furlong likes to capture what is there, rather than images from her imagination & her paintings have a thoughtful feel & gentleness about them that induces great humility & a sense of timelessness. The composition of the subject on the canvas is very important to her.

After the Shower: Palma is a limited edition print, only 100 runs available.
© Gilian Furlong / Bridgeman Images

Printed on Giclée Hahnemühle German Etching

Frame specification here