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Egon Schiele figurative painting 'Seated Woman' 1911. Limited edition print.
Seated Woman, 1911

Seated Woman, 1911

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Seated Woman, 1911
Egon Schiele

With his signature graphic style, embrace of figural distortion, and bold defiance of conventional norms of beauty, Egon Schiele was one of the leading figures of Austrian Expressionism.

Schiele's portraits and self-portraits, searing explorations of their sitters' psyches and sexuality, are among the most remarkable of the 20th century. The artist, who was astoundingly prolific during his brief career, is famous not only for his psychologically and erotically charged works, but for his intriguing biography: his licentious lifestyle marked by scandal, notoriety, and a tragically early death of influenza at age twenty-eight, three days after the death of his pregnant wife, and at a time when he was on the verge of the commercial success that had eluded him for much of his career.

Seated Woman is a limited edition print, only 100 runs available.

© Museum of Fine Arts (Szepmuveszeti) Budapest, Hungary / Bridgeman Images

Printed on Giclée Hahnemühle German Etching

 Frame specification here