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 Abstract modern print, 'Afterlife, 2020' by Astrid Oudheusden
Afterlife, 2020

Afterlife, 2020

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Afterlife, 2020
Astrid Oudheusden 

Astrid Oudheusden tells stories through her art. Working with oil and paper on canvas, Oudheusden is able to express these stories that are born from her dreams, city life, books or sometimes, even from overhearing someone use a certain expression. The everyday ignites her imagination.

Afterlife was created after Oudheusden had dreamed up a life in which she mastered all the crawls (nobody taught her how to swim)

Oudheusden creates her work in a studio facing the North in the outskirts of Amsterdam.

Afterlife is an exclusive edition with only 100 runs available per size. 

Frame specification here