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Modern figurative painting. Crucifixion and Mountain / Craigie Aitchison
Crucifixion and Mountain, 2005

Crucifixion and Mountain, 2005

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Crucifixion and Mountain, 2005
Craigie Aitchison

Figurative painter Craigie Aitchison is known for his Mediterranean-inspired palette and simple compositions. Combining elements of Italian Renaissance painting with the British visionary tradition, Aitchison’s work is uniquely vibrant. His longtime fascination with the Crucifixion began when the artist encountered Salvador Dali's Christ of St. John of the Cross (1951), and he painted the motif throughout his career. Aitchison also depicted animals, desert landscapes, and human portraits; many of his recurring subjects—such as a Bedlington terrier, which he owned—held personal significance for the artist. Aitchison aimed to achieve luminous yet translucent colouring in his paintings. Warm and fading, they reflect the sentimentality of his memories from childhood.

Crucifixion and Mountain is a limited edition print, only 100 runs available.

©  The Estate of Craigie Aitchison / Bridgeman Images

Printed on Giclée Hahnemühle Photorag

Frame specification here