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Palm Tree illustration art print / Paul Colin, 1929. Limited edition.

Palm Tree from Le Tumulte Noir, 1929

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Palm Tree from Le Tumulte Noir, 1929
Paul Colin

In 1925, at the height of the jazz era in Paris, the sensational cast of musicians and dancers from Harlem, assembled as La Revue Nègre, exploded on the stage of the Théâtre des Champs Élysées. Its talented young star, Josephine Baker, captivated audiences with a wild new dance called the Charleston, and became the high priestess of jazz culture in Paris.

Inspired by the tremendous popularity of these performers, French poster artist Paul Colin created a portfolio entitled Le Tumulte Noir, which gave a name to the Parisian craze for African American music and dance that Josephine Baker epitomized.

Published in 1929, Le Tumulte Noir contains a title page, four pages of text, including a dedication by Josephine Baker, and Colin's dazzling color pochoir lithographs printed on both sides of twenty-two sheets.

This print contains writing within the border.

Palm Tree from Le Tumulte Noir is a limited edition print, only 100 runs available.
©The Stapleton Collection / Bridgeman Images

Printed on Giclée Hahnemühle German Etching

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